Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How do i fix the clogged pores on my nose?

I have clogged pores on my nose. They look like little black dots. I%26#039;m looking for a quick fix, but i don%26#039;t want to buy any more products. I%26#039;m looking for like home remedies here. Thanks =)|||Mix baking soda w/ water to make a paste %26amp; use it as a face scrub. Rub GENTLY %26amp; rinse w/ warm water. Swipe a cotton ball saturated w/ hydrogen peroxide over the black heads and wait 1-2 minutes before rinsing it off.

Another home remedy, apply PLAIN milk of magnesia in a thin layer %26amp; allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off w/ tepid water. This mask will absorb oil %26amp; tighten pores.

Steam facial w/ clay mask or milk of magnesia mask.


You can use an aspirin mask or toner to exfoliate %26amp; keep pores clear. Be sure to use UNCOATED aspirin for these recipes.

Crush up 6 plain, uncoated aspirin tablets and mix it w/ a little water to make mask.

Mix half a teaspoon of crushed tablets with Queen Helene Mint Julep mask and/or aloe vera gel for a stronger mask.

Toner: 8 ounce bottle of distilled water add four uncoated aspirin %26amp; shake well before each use|||They are blackheads, which are dirty oil in your pores. Use warm soapy water and lather onto face. Keep your face dried out by repeating this a few times a day and before bed.

You can use a gentle scrub with a paste of salt and baking soda.

The most important thing is to keep your face clean and dry by not using any moisturizers or make-up foundation for a while.(I assume you are a girl) hee hee

Good news is that you will outgrow this but I know it is embarrassing now.

Best of luck.|||Take a little steam so that the pores can be opened then press them slightly with the help of blackhead remover. Then clean the skin with some wet cotton and it will be fine. You can also get the stripes which are used to remove these blackheads.|||For a home remedy, try a face scrub that is as gentle as you decide to make it. You could use some ground almonds in honey or coarse oatmeal. Then after you rinse thoroughly with water, make a mask of fine oatmeal and lightly beaten egg whites.

Let the mask dry and then scrape it off with the edge of a butter knife and then rinse.|||Eh you have blackheads. They%26#039;re a pain to get rid of, and sometimes you never do. Use a blackhead scrub to open the pores up, use a blackhead cleanser, then a toner to close them back up.|||Take warm baths with lots of epsom salt and occassionally dunk your head in briefly and then wash flush your face out with the salt water. Take frequent warm to hot showers. And use a nail to gently press the pore at a 45 degree angle to apply pressure to it.

At least this helps me. Hope it helps you.|||I know you said you didnt want to buy any more products..buuut honestly the Biore Strips work AWESOME!!.. as far as home remedies I havent heard of anything|||There called blackheads use an exfoliater or use salt and water

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