Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What is a way to get rid of black pores on face?

I have lots of black pores on my face, especially on my nose, what is a good way to get rid of them?|||Wash your face well with a cleanser meant to clear pores. Dry it, and apply a thin layer of plain white school glue. Allow it to dry, then peel it off, the black heads should come out with the glue.

This is a cheap alternative to expensive blackhead strips you get at the drug store.

Then cleanse face at least twice daily with a product made for blackheads. You can use a washcloth wet with hot water to hold over your face and steam pores open a bit to make these products work better.

After cleanings apply a salycylic acid cream, or a benzoyal peroxide cream over affected ares.

Black head occur when a pore becomes blocked with oil and dirt. The top layer of this oil oxydizes and turns dark.

I advise you work deligently on this me...women don%26#039;t find men with huge black heads attractive.|||i use the old fashion way:

you wash your face with really hot water, then squeezeeeee

and then you wash your face again with hot water, but this time with a facial cleanser and then rinse with really cold water to close up your pores.

if they%26#039;re really big, you%26#039;ll be left with a little scab, but since i%26#039;m a girl, i just cover it with make-up.|||they arent black pores, they%26#039;re black heads, its dirt and oil clogging your pores, just go to the store and buy products meant to clear blackheads|||Black heads-use a peel off mask,scrub and Biore pore strips

and steam your face to help loosen them.|||theyre called black heads :P

get some blackhead strips [by them at walmart or the drugstore]

first put a peice of tape on your nose, then rip it off [if doesn%26#039;t hurt believe me] to get off dead skin then follow the directions on the packet.

just about all of them should be gone.

they sell them for you nose, forehead, and chin.|||Revlon makes a Blackhead Removal Tool. Take a hot shower to open your pores first. Also, Queen Helene%26#039;s Mint Julep Mask works great.|||WASH it haha lmao


umm idk go to the dermatologist and ask him|||Products don%26#039;t always work. I have the same problem. But this one time I got a professional facial, and it cleared up instantly. I reccomend that HIGHLY. Don%26#039;t be imbarrissed if you are a boy getting a facial haha.|||use himalaya scrub which is herbal and will remove all dead cells and removes dirt also. this will be helpful to u. use it on wet face and rub it with hands gently. wash it with cold water.|||umm i tht u can use biore strips frm waston or sasa and u can use that and remove the black heads,,,but i tht it will only remove the outer blackheads of ur nose...soo i suggest facial blackheads removing for nose which can also clear the inner pores of the blackheads..u can try sg website at 88db which has few recommedations on facial salons...if not u can just go to ur preference beatician which is reliable...|||They will disapear with age....but try sticking your head over a bowl of steaming hot water as hot as you can stand it, covering the rest of your head and face that is exposed with a towel.. for a few minutes until the pores soften and then squeeze them out in front of a does this once a week coz they will fill up with dirt again....

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