Thursday, December 17, 2009

What causes the pores on your legs to open?

I%26#039;m just wondering what causes those little black dots on your legs after shaving, do they appear when shaving or just whenever you remove the hair on your legs?|||Alot of people ask this question not just yourself so no worrie.

Infact this usualy happens after you shave.

I doesnt look very pleasant now does it?

Try to wax and after waxing use the same lotion and if possible apply more then once a day.

Your pores should get smaller.|||Those are your hairs-they%26#039;re still on there. They%26#039;ll always be there.

Mostly after shaving, and when your hair-leg starts to grow.

They do have types of surgery to remove hairs on your legs from ever growing back, but I%26#039;m not sure abount what they do...|||thats your hair|||hi.Trust me on this!!I have the same prblem!!The black dots come there because the hair is gonna grow again!!DUH!|||these black dots are ingrown hair, shaving causes these to occur|||Try shaving -downward- not upward. It should make a huge difference.|||it%26#039;s your hair that lying under neath your skin and you can%26#039;t shave it off

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